Jan 23, 2023

What is a Gas Safety Certificate?

Once a gas engineer has completed any gas work at your house, such as a service or safety check, you should be handed a Gas Safety Certificate (or record), which outlines precisely what has been...

Once a gas engineer has completed any gas work at your house, such as a service or safety check, you should be handed a Gas Safety Certificate (or record), which outlines precisely what has been done and any additional concerns there may be.

Gas safety is crucial because without it, you run the risk of endangering not just your equipment but also yourself and the occupants of your home.

For this reason, a gas safety inspection is performed to ensure that your appliances operate properly, safely, and effectively. An engineer who is registered with Gas Safe must do the check. Anyone else is not permitted to do so.

The form may vary significantly depending on who performs the job because there is no specific template provided by the Gas Safe Register, but it should always contain important details like:

A description of each appliance or flue checked, together with its location, as well as the checker's name, registration number, and signature.

When the appliance or flue was last inspected.

The landlord's name and address, the address of the home where the appliance or flue is located, any discovered safety flaw and any corrective measure implemented.

Who needs a Gas Safety Certificate ?


Although you are not legally obligated to get a gas safety certificate as a homeowner, it is highly advised that you do so in order to ensure that your gas appliances are operating properly and effectively. It is important to keep in mind that certain house insurance policies need Gas Safety certifications to be legitimate, so it would be worthwhile to check with your provider.

It's also important to remember that your boiler warranty must be serviced annually in order to be valid.


You must do an annual gas safety inspection as a landlord and present a certificate as identification. All of the gas appliances in each of your properties should be inspected, and you should obtain a copy of the certificate to maintain on file in addition to giving copies to your renters.

Safety Records for Gas

Current renters must get a copy of the Landlord Gas Safety Record within 28 days following the yearly service, as required by law. At the beginning of their tenancy, new tenants must also get this.


It is the landlord's duty to maintain the integrity and safety of all gas fittings, appliances, chimneys, and flues at all times.

While keeping maintenance records is not specifically required, landlords must be able to demonstrate that pipes, appliances, and other property components have received regular maintenance and that any necessary repairs have been made.

I need a Gas Safe Certificate; how can I acquire one?

By scheduling a visit with a Gas Safe qualified engineer, who will come out and do the essential tests on your gas appliances, you may obtain a Gas Safe Certificate for your house. This is typically done once a year.

When inspecting your gas appliances, your engineer is qualified to look for a variety of items.

The air supply to your appliance should be appropriate, and it should be functioning at the proper pressure.
Your appliance's flue is clear, allowing for the secure disposal of waste gases.

The device itself is operational and poses no risk to the security of any person.

Your engineer can provide you a copy of the documentation that detail what was checked and any problems discovered when the gas safety check is finished.

How much does a Gas Safe Certificate cost?

We charge £54.99 for 1/2 appliances and £64.99 for 3/4 appliances, Boiler service £69.99 and Gas safety & boiler service bundle £74.99 for up to 2 appliances.Call us today to book 0800 001 6363 or book online.  

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